Couples Therapy


Couples and family therapy addresses interpersonal conflicts that arise in couples, families, and groups of family members. The focus is on family dynamics. Effective couples counseling can help to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety that are often associated with relationship difficulties. Nurture Therapy uses many evidence-based couples interventions to address the needs and meet clients’ goals. We also recognize the impact of transgenerational trauma. Nurture Therapy’s services include premarital counseling, relationship counseling, counseling for new parents, and separation and divorce.



Being a brand new parent is hard and often this can have a negative impact on your relationship. According to research studies, two-thirds of couples report dissatisfaction in their relationship after a new baby is born— when our good-humored clients will say that the other one-third must be lying! Nurture Therapy is here to help. We understand the intricacies of parenting and can help you and your partner find strength and happiness in the parenting journey.


We know that when one partner is suffering, the other partner also suffers. It can be alarming and confusing for partners. With a family focus, we are in a better position to treat the individual, team up with the partner, and protect the strength and unity of the couple. We invite partners to join therapy for psychoeducation sessions.