Pediatric Sleep Consultation
Pediatric Sleep Coaching
Sleep Consultation Services
Many expectant and new parents are understandably concerned about sleep. Life with a newborn requires many adjustments and one of them is being up in the middle of the night with your new baby. The ugly truth for new parents with new babies is nobody is getting much sleep. Parents often need to wake up multiple times in the night to feed, change a diaper, or soothe a fussy baby.
Nurture Therapy recognizes that sleep deprivation can exacerbate symptoms of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. It is also one of the risk factors for developing symptoms such as depression or anxiety in the postpartum period. But how do you navigate this when you have a little baby who is waking up in the middle of the night?
We’ve Got You
We have been there. We have been exhausted and sleepless while caring for a new baby. We have spent panicked late-night hours searching for answers to help our babies sleep. We have late-night ordered baby products that promised better sleep. Nurture Therapy offers sleep consultation from an expert-certified pediatric sleep consultant. We are better versions of ourselves when we have gotten restorative sleep, and our children are the same.
Pediatric and Newborn Sleep Plan
Establish a sustainable bedtime routine for you and your family. Gain the tools for in-the-moment strategies to keep you and your baby sleeping. It’s our goal to provide you with the tips, techniques, and confidence that you need to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits. Nurture Therapy does not believe in a one-size-fits-all model. Instead, we will create specific strategies that fit your needs for future sleep, with little to no “sleep training” needed.
Baby and Young Toddler Sleep Plan
Nurture Therapy has you covered with evidence-based and researched sleep solutions to help you create better sleep habits for you and your child. We will support you by breaking poor sleep associations (we all have them) and replacing them with new, healthy, and sustainable alternatives that will allow your family to get the rest that you need.
Toddler and Big Kid Sleep Plan
We have heard it all, whether it is, “Just one more story,” “I need a drink of water,” or “I need to go potty” (for the umpteenth time), understandably these bedtime stall tactics are frustrating for you and your little one. Sleep is too important for everyone to make bedtime a constant battle. But don’t worry; we have a plan and solution for it all. We use evidence-based and research sleep solutions to decrease bedtime frustrations, replace bad habits and create healthy and sustainable choices that your child can engage in. Children who are involved in their sleep routines will feel more mentally prepared and accepting of their new bedtime routine. Pretty soon sleep will look like this:
“Sweet dreams, sweetie.”
**Cue the lights shut the door, and that’s a wrap on bedtime**
30-Minute Private Phone Consultation
Includes: Direct advice on how to get your child to sleep better at night
Follow-Up Email
Comprehensive Individualized Sleep Plan
Includes: Sleep Intake Evaluation
Customized Sleep Plan to Fit Specific Needs & Goals
20-Minute Training Phone Call
3 Support Emails
Virtual Private Consultation with Sleep Plan
Includes: Sleep Intake Evaluation
Customized Sleep Plan to Fit Specific Needs & Goals
2-Hour Virtual Sleep Training
1-Week of Unlimited Email Communication
1-Follow-Up Support Phone Call
Improving New Mom’s Sleep
If it has been more than four days in a row, and a mom has had less than a four-hour, uninterrupted stretch of sleep, then she is not functioning. The problem is that most mothers sleep way less than four hours for way more than four nights in a row. Let’s help her to change that:
If a partner is available, consider having the partner take one of the late-night feeds or wakings. If a mother is nursing, try pumping into a bottle for that first late-night feed so mom can sleep through one feed and be up for the next one. If a mother is not nursing or a baby does not need nighttime feeds, plan to split the night up in half; a partner can take one shift and the mom can take the other.
Mom can remove herself from the shared bedroom or whatever room the baby monitor is kept to get an uninterrupted stretch of sleep.
Use mindfulness exercises to help with racing thoughts.
Catch up on sleep on weekends or during the day.
Talk to a doctor if you are having a negative experience with falling or staying asleep.
Seek professional treatment to address issues around sleep.
How do I know if I need sleep consultation support?
My baby is not sleeping
I have read every book on sleep and nothing seems to be working
I dread bedtime with my baby or toddler
I don’t believe in “crying it out”, but something else has got to give.
I can’t sleep, even when my baby is sleeping
Meet Our Pediatric Sleep Consultant
My name is Katelyn McNellis and I am a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. I have always worked with children. With my education and experience, I thought motherhood would be a breeze, and let's just say I couldn't have been more wrong.
After a difficult pregnancy and unexpected early delivery with my son, I learned very quickly that being a mother is not easy! When my son was 6 months old I knew I had reached my breaking point. I needed sleep and so did he! I started to have doubts about my mothering ability and felt I was not able to be the best mother I could be for my son. I reached out to a sleep consultant and it changed my life. As a family, we were all finally getting the sleep we needed.
The counselor in me loved the idea of being a support system for parents like me that were struggling, so getting my certification seemed like a great idea. I truly believe that getting proper sleep is crucial in child development and the well-being of the entire household. Our little ones thrive on schedule and predictability giving them the focus they need to grow into happy healthy children.
If you are interested in learning more about teletherapy. Please call or email kate@nurture-therapy.com to learn more about sleep consultation.
Contact for Sleep Consultation Services.
Questions about the right plan for you? Contact our sleep consultation experts directly.
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